Ever think if you just got one major part of your life settled the rest would all magically fall into place?
This is truly what I expected. I expected the day that I found myself employed again that I would in turn find myself. Become complete. A fully functioning, highly motivated, gettin' it done machine. Even if I did not magically become all I want to be in that moment I would at the very least begin to surge with the energy, drive and laser focus needed to immediately begin working on the parts of me I wanted to improve. As if the new job title would give me a well defined path and the killer confidence to follow it without doubt. A drive to excell in everything I do, an iron will to succeed.
Um . . . Nope. Hasn't happened yet.
And I was so sure it would. Waited for it, watched for it, certain I didn't miss it. Since coming to the realization that I need to go after my dreams and not wait for them to come to me you would think I would know better. Just goes to show you we learn and evolve every day.