Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Cookie Reflex

I am about one week into a new experiment in time management. The goal is to accomplish more with my day by NOT logging onto the Internet first thing in the morning. Now if you don't spend much time online this may be an easy task for you. But for me it wasn't. Not at all. I may need to consider joining FAA. Facebook Addicts Anonymous.
Most mornings I wake up before my family with intentions of taking care of a few things around the house while they sleep . . . right after I do a quick check of my email. Sadly, I would discover an hour or two have flown by and nothing has been accomplished besides posting a few comments on friend's pictures of their cute pets or posting a video of a song I've had stuck in my head, watching the latest preview video for this week's Glee and other highly important, time sensitive matters.

Ah, the art of procrastination. Procrastination has always been a problem but now that I am working part-time I need to make better use of my time at home. Otherwise the next time you see me will be on Hoarders, nearly buried alive by laundry, paint chips, toys, cooking magazines and lengthy TO DO lists. Pairing procrastination with skilled rationalization can really get me in trouble. I can rationalize myself into believing that procrastinating is good for me. I whisper to myself,
"Look around, the clutter is overwhelming. You need to do far more than just pick up. You need to organize that mess and that's a bigger challenge. You know what will happen. Once you've organized the clutter you'll find a whole new mess underneath. Carpets to clean, floors to mop and walls in need of painting. The more work you do the more work you will find. You need to sit and rest a bit before you get started. Right here. At your computer. Maybe even Google the best way to patch that crack in the ceiling. Excellent reason to log on. Will only take a second. That's right . . . sink in, we'll take care of you. Relaaaax . . . "
Three days later I startle awake unsure of where I am and what time it is. My mind in a fog, like a stoner after an all night binge, staggering up the stairs squinting to shade my eyes from the sunlight streaming in the kitchen window. I hadn't worked out, I hadn't cleaned a thing and though some projects have been started not one was finished. Oh but the asthma inducing dust was thicker everywhere making me feel worse.

Which reminds me of a friend who likes to call pot "The Lord's Antidepressant." Always smile when I think of that. 

So you see, change is absolutely in order. So I devised a simple plan, a sort of experiment, and can report grand successes and abysmal failures. 
The Plan:
A dry erase board is strategically placed in our kitchen at the top of the stairs leading to the downstairs rec room. Halfway between my bedroom and the cursed computer. Each evening I  have written just a few things I want to accomplish the next day. Not huge projects but tasks I needed to get done to keep the house running smoothly. Could be just as small as starting a load of laundry or something bigger like balancing your check book.  Before allowing myself Internet access I needed to choose and complete two items from this list.

Success and Failure:
After one week I can report interesting findings which will be helpful for increasing chances of success in the future and hopefully changing my behavior for good.
Always write your list the night before.   If I went to bed before writing out the list, even with the intention of writing out the list first thing in the morning, I would fail miserably. I would go back to the bad habit of wasting hours at the computer screen. From now on I will always write the list before going to bed. That way the list will be there waiting for me. Encouraging me to make better choices.
Write down at least five tasks on your list even though you only need to complete two. That way you still feel like you have choices. Even if you choose the two easiest items those are two items you would not have accomplished otherwise. You may also be in a mood for one task but not another. Choices allow you to work with whatever mood you woke up with that morning. I have yet to wake up in the mood to clean the litter box.
Don't back down. Even from yourself.
I promised myself I would stand and concentrate on that board until my brain switched focus from the desire to get online to completing one of the projects on the list. Changing a habit takes a lot of effort. Especially bad habits. Just being aware of your bad habit is often not enough because the habit may have already become a natural reflex or reaction to certain stimulus. Extra effort is necessary to retrain yourself to a new way of thinking and acting.
For example, The Cookie Reflex. We have a clear cookie jar. What a horrible idea. I found myself, without even thinking about it, taking cookies from the cookie jar tragically placed on the same counter space I prepare food for dinner. The small bite sized cookie was swallowed before I had realized it was in my mouth. I never recalled making the conscious decision to eat a cookie or the desire for one. I guess I saw the cookies and the automatic reflex was to eat one before will power could even come into play. To be honest it freaked me out a bit. So first I moved the damn cookie jar to a place less accessible. Second I tried very very hard to be aware, to be present in the moment and then pause to ask myself if I really wanted the cookie or not. More often than not the pause was all I needed.

So back to my experiment.
I was astonished by how much I accomplished when I remembered to write the list the night before.
I would see it before walking downstairs towards the computer, would stop myself and then used rationalization to my benefit. Really, was I missing anything earth shattering? Highly unlikely. Would my email and FB home page still be there an hour from now after I checked a few items off my list? Absolutely. Each time I made this single simple change in the start of my day I accomplished so much more. Not just that morning but all day long. So I will continue making my list the night before because it works for me.
Attempting to make several changes at one time is almost impossible and sure to fail. Try to find that one small thing that could make a difference for you. Focus your effort on that one behavior or activity until you are satisfied. Then take on the next challenge.
Good luck one and all.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Read all about it!

I need to dedicate more time to reading since I have at least 5 or 6 topics I want to learn more about . . . and quick. So much going on right now it is difficult to split myself in so many directions and feel I am dedicating proper time and attention to any one subject or project.
  • A new part-time job that hasn't been so part-time. Lots of hours.
  • A seriously long list of home management and improvement projects
  • Potential to start a consulting business assisting new small businesses with their marketing and other communications needs.
  • A child who started preschool and returned to dance classes thanks to the part-time job.
  • Looking for ways to foster her drive to learn to read without making her nuts.
  • Trying to lower my husband's stress level which has been at peak for the last few years due to a constantly changing work environment.
  • Squeezing in time to lower my own stress level while building self esteem through exercise.
  • Oh and then there is the search for delicious yet healthy recipes the whole family will enjoy. 
The list just keeps building. A woman's job is never done.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Working Title

A talented friend asked me to guest post on her blog today. I am flattered to say the least. I know she is asking several blog authors to contribute, a cross promoting idea she has, but still I am touched to be in their company. Being a fan of her blog for quite a while now I find myself freezing up at the prospect. Fear! One of the biggest causes of procrastination. As my mind works on an ever growing list of ideas I am also working on an extensive press release for a company I am consulting for. Plagued with writers block I am so frustrated. Work like this use to be so easy for me. What happened? Husband reminds me I am out of practice and he is right of course. Getting back into the swing after not working for a year and a half is difficult. Of course, having a five year old constantly making demands while you try to focus doesn't help either. And then there is the guilt that trying to focus time on anything but my family is selfish. But most of all I think I spend too much time in my head.

I am very visual.  My imagination is a creative one and I visualize almost constantly. This habit makes me skilled at multitasking which can be great. I can reorganize my closet in my head while doing the dishes. But it also means when my five year old isn't interrupting my train of thought you can bet I am interrupting myself. Because my mind is constantly working I also have a gift for procrastination When your mind is accustomed to working on so many ideas at once it is hard to focus on just one thought and nothing else.

The ability to multitask came up in conversation with a gentleman who I would definitely describe as a smart, highly successful and accomplished entrepreneur. Even he admits that the ability to multitask is purely a gift only bestowed on women. A skill heightened when a woman has children. Men just can't do it. They can't focus on more than one thing at a time and they can't plan ahead very easily either. It's a miracle men have ruled the business world as long as they did. I replied that multitasking was not just a gift. To a woman with kids, working outside the home or not, the ability to multitask was a matter of survival. Especially when you consider we women are primarily responsible for creating and raising our species' children you can fairly say that multitasking is do or die. So we do.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

How I Ended My Summer Vacation

Summer passed by far too quickly.
The last summer my daughter and I will spend together with no responsibility, no schedules to keep. Just us girls seeking out new adventures together. Starting the day with no agenda, just time. Visits to our favorite riverside park and a quick alfresco lunch of hot dogs and popcorn. Play dates and trips to the library to pick up more books to fill her summer book club list. Occasional trip to the zoo with her cousins. As difficult as the change in lifestyle from working full-time outside of the home to being a full-time Mom was for me at the beginning I am so thankful to have had this time with her. Sure there were days we couldn't wait to get away from each other but those are not the days I will remember. We mothers have selective memories when it comes to our dear little ones. Only the best days and the sweetest moments.  She and I bonded all over again just like we had during maternity leave.  My time unemployed could have been the worse months of my life. Depressing days wasted with self pity. (I must admit a few days were) Instead, because of her, far more of those days were spent filled with purpose. Having purpose made me happy.

Initially we were concerned about my daughter's delay in speech development and refusal to potty train.  We worked on her speech and enunciation together. I knew she just needed practice. I mean the girl could clearly say words like rhinoceros and hippopotamus since she was very young.  Not just the shortened rhino and hippo. Knew all her letters and their sounds by 14 months. She would talk too fast and blend too many words together until all you heard was mish-mash. My husband and I wondered if we mumbled, or spoke too often in short hand, making it difficult for Erin to pick up the lingo. So we made a concerted effort to speak more slowly, clearly enunciating each word.

She flourished during our time together. Now she is potty trained and talks all the time (all the time!) and practically everyone understands everything she says. Before, when another child on the playground would ask her name Erin would just stand there with this innocently hopeful smile. Some kids were kind, some were not. Now she says clearly and proudly, "Hi, I'm Erin. My Mommy and Daddy are over there. (she waves, we wave back) I have four kittens. Gracie, Lilly, Phineas and Ferb. Want to play?" I'm tearing up remembering those proud moments.
And the moments of creeping realization that my baby girl was growing up and soon would not need me anymore. In a matter of weeks she would be going to school. The ungrateful little shit would leave me. And after all I did for her! : ) I know, I know everything we do as parents is meant to prepare our kids to go out into the big world.

She was so ready. Her readiness made clear to us by her requests to go to school long before the day I felt safe telling her she was already signed up. I avoid disappointing my child by not telling her about exciting plans until they are set in stone and even then only with a few days notice. We planned to send Erin to Preschool instead of Kindergarten. Yes, we could have sent her to Kindergarten but we wanted to give her one year of the school environment with less pressure and more opportunity to build confidence. To mature before, as my husband put it, "Sending her into the meat grinder known as grade school."

While preparing Erin for her new adventure I was surprised with a new adventure of my own. After a year and a half of disappointment I finally received a call asking me to come work for the local park district part-time. Someone must have thought I was ready too. I couldn't say "Yes" fast enough to a job in my field, close by, and with hours that would work with my child's preschool schedule. Her first day of school was also my first day of training at work. So as it turns out, just as we had done all summer long, we found new adventures, together.

Monday, June 20, 2011

First Step

I have been pushing myself hard to begin working out again the last few months. Truthfully, have been trying to get into a groove for the last year and a half since I stopped working.  I really should not be able to use the excuse that I have no time. Day after day I told myself I would start working out tomorrow.  Or I would plan a few weeks ahead to start working out once I had that great job. It's amazing how quickly time can fly by. Looking back at all the time wasted has only made me feel worse. Every evening, feeling worn out and stiff I tell myself I must get up and work out first thing in the morning. Exercise is the only way to turn back the clock, increase my energy, strengthen my body and improve my own opinion of myself. Also the only real way to lose excess weight that makes getting through the average day more difficult. I know all of this and I know I have the knowledge to be come fit.

But every morning some excuse or delay tactic would keep me from the simple goal of setting myself in motion. Whether the excuse was needing to catch up on sleep after a difficult night getting my daughter to go to bed or wanting to quickly finish a few jobs around the house;  I just couldn't seem to get to that one thing I kept telling myself was most important. So then I plan to work out later in the day or maybe in the evening after my husband got home from work. Once the day started rolling exercise was forgotten, but the disappointment in myself and my body was not.  

How often do you look at your body in the mirror, clothed or unclothed, and feel disgusted with yourself? I feel that way almost every single time. And don't even get me started about photos. I dress quickly, doing my best to focus on the image in the mirror from the neck up believing honestly that I am a pretty woman with great hair. Fabulous eyes. Well they were fabulous eyes. If my face gets any more tired and puffy they will disappear. Also believing that my head is only the tip of the ice burg. So mean to myself I know but looking at that baby belly and thighs brings tears to my eyes and and ache in my chest.

Again I know if I want to change I must choose to move . . . now. I must make the first step if there is ever going to be a second. My husband can not do it for me. Nor can I let his fear of my success stop me. My daughter can not do it for me. They will gladly support me I know it but still I have to begin by supporting myself. I have all the tools and the desire but what I lack I feel is the will. So what was I waiting for?
Finally, last week, I willed myself to move.
Finally, last week, something changed when I woke up, I would not let myself off the hook. A few moments of laying there in bed telling myself to GET UP! And oh my God I did get up. I took that first step and then another and another. Put my shoes on, packed my phone and iPod, told my still half asleep husband I was going for a walk and then actually did it. Our neighborhood is so peaceful and pretty in the morning. Upbeat, motivating music kept me going strong for at least a half hour. When I came home instead of groggy and stiff I felt good about myself, energized, ready to attack the day. And proud. I was proud of myself.  The next morning, I did it again. This time putting myself in motion was much easier, still fresh the memory of happiness I experienced from the walk the day before. I took one day off to give my poor old feet a rest but jumped right back in the following day adding 10 minutes and more hills to my work out. Again today I got moving, even earlier, before my husband went to work AND it was drizzling outside, fat rain drops. Returned home drenched but smiling.

Focus on moving right now. Now. Not later today or tomorrow or next week when you are sure you will be less busy. And do not set a goal of losing weight by a special event happening three months from now. Because you will keep telling yourself it is never too late as long as there is still time between today and that date. Suddenly the day will be upon you and you have not exercised at all. So you set a new date again and again.  (Sense I am talking to myself. Reaffirming what I have learned.)

A time will come, sooner than we like, when it will be too late to take that first step toward achieving your goals. Take the energy you burn being angry and disappointed in yourself and move, stand up, take the first step now. No reason to wait. Do not wait.
The sense of pride I felt from taking the first step pushed me towards the second step and the step after. I know it will pick me up when I fall and set me in motion once again.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

To thine own self be Awesome.

Certainly this happens to many women and men as they pass into their 40's. Putting on the brakes, slowing down long enough to take stock of our lives. What we would change, what we would keep the same. Doing our best to come to terms with the knowledge we can not change any of it even if we wanted to because those moments in time have passed us by long ago. But the present and future can be changed if we truly wish. Learn from your past but do not become a slave to it.

Our lives are not stuck in ruts or riding on rails with no hope of changing course. With this in mind I have taken stock of my own life, addressed areas of myself I am unhappy with, made lists, written goals, read self-improvement books by those who have also taken stock and successfully made positive change.  Opened up to friends with similar questions. Relived painful memories. Become aware of repeating cycles of negative behavior. Watched Bridget Jones' Diary 1 and 2 five times. Dug deep. Found enlightenment as I shed each defensive layer. In essence, I stopped bullshitting myself. If you think your life is without hope of a course change than I would argue fear is causing you to lie to yourself.

Through this soul searching and heightened awareness I discovered more than one example of my own negative cyclic behavior and at that very moment of stunned realization wished I had the flexibility to kick myself . . . hard.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Favorite Things-To Go Cups

I love the feel of an ice packed fountain drink in my hand. The look of a liesurely confident consumer. Sip and shop, sip and shop. Truth is I'm always thirsty from taking allergy meds daily so I always have a drink in hand. Enjoy the convenience and ease of picking up a nice cold iced tea almost anywhere I go but the cost is crazy. 
A while back my friend Carol walked into a staff meeting with the coolest cup she had picked up at Starbucks. Carol is always good for finding clever items like this one. This cup was shaped like the traditional fast food fountain drink paper cup with cheap plastic lid and straw. But this cup was so much more.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Picture Perfect

I treated myself today. My how indulgent, how sinful. No it wasn't chocolates or a rich dessert. The purchase was an investment really; research. A responsible woman, managing a home should plan ahead. And God we have so many home projects to plan for. Everything from updating the kitchen to an addition on the back of the house to expand the master bedroom and bathroom. How I cooly rationalize the purchase as each one tossed into my shopping cart. Today I'm so easily seduced.
A little extra money in my pocket and I blew it on full-color glossy promises of a bright tomorrow filled with the perfect home, perfect style, perfect meals, perfect organization and oh so much more.
Yes, I bought the latest magazines off the rack. Expensive! I haven't paid full price for a magazine off the rack in years. Normally, I will subscribe at the much cheaper price and even then I only have two current subscriptions; Budget Travel and Cooking Light.
For many reasons I wanted to treat myself today. Better Homes and Gardens, Renovation Style, Real Simple. It's Spring! A time of renewal! After months of feeling lousy because of asthma, strep throat, the winter blahs and just a few days ago, a muscle spasm in my neck that sent me to the ER . . .
I wanted to forget it all and flip through pages and pages of beauty. Spatious, freshly painted bedrooms, with perfect linens and not so matchy matchy but still perfect pillows. Wanted to learn how

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I am now writing my blog post.

Sat down this morning to bang out a blog post. That was the plan. But first I needed to open up my email account to check for messages. Then a quick peek at Facebook before another quick peek at LinkedIn.
Now why did I sit down? I shouldn't be sitting here. So much to do around the house. From my office chair I can see toys on the floor and a pile of laundry waiting to be folded. Ugh, the guilt. Oh hey! A friend I have been trying to make plans with is now available to chat with on FB. Better grab the chance before his chat window dies again. Okay, back to writing this post.
Just remembered I need to email my sister about getting together to house hunt this week. So proud of her. The Onion just posted a funny video link . . . I need to make a shopping list for Easter dinner. Where will I find the time to fit it all in? Wish I had more time to get this blog post done and then maybe work out. Some day I'll hire a housekeeper so I can spend my time on the projects I really want to spend time on; writing, working out, home cooking, scrapbooking . . .
Damn it I'm out of time. Will have to finish this blog later.

I'm ashamed to admit how many of my mornings have started like this and ended as afternoons with little accomplished of real consequence. Enough already. Self discipline - please be mine. Confidently I say

Friday, April 15, 2011

Totally Excellent Broccoli Beef

Chinese food is not only very expensive but many recipes are also surprisingly fattening. Sure I know this but still it is so delicious and one of my top two comfort foods. Even when I tried to rationalize I was at least eating my vegetables I knew.  I especially love the flavorful rich sauce of a kung pao dish. I love sauces. The first time I gladly ate cooked vegetables I did so because of the fantastic pepper steak sauce those delectable green beans were bathed in.  I can still remember the rich pepper taste on my tongue and the look of amazement on my husband's face. If he hadn't seen it himself he wouldn't have believed I would ever clean my plate of cooked green veggies. 

During my quest to find healthy, delicious, quick and easy recipes I discovered the recipe below in Cooking Light magazine.  The flavor completely satisfied my Chinese food craving while saving money, eating healthy and making me feel like a totally together, responsible adult.  You can be sure Broccoli Beef is now a regular on the meal plan rotation.

Read all instructions and prep all ingredients before you begin cooking.
As much white rice as you like. This meal cooks fast so start it early.
2 tbl dry sherry, divided
2 tbl lower sodium soy sauce, divided.
1 tsp sugar
1 pound boneless sirloin, cut diagonally across grain into thin slices
1/2 cup lower sodium beef broth
1 tbl cornstarch
1 tbl hoisin sauce
1 tsp Sriracha (hot chili sauce) or 1/2 tsp crushed red pepper.
    I used the red pepper
2 tbl canola oil, divided
1 tbl bottled ground fresh ginger (not sure how it can be bottled and fresh? I used fresh)
2 tsp minced garlic
4 cups pre-chopped broccoli florets
1/4 cup water
1/3 cup sliced green onions

1. Cook Rice
2. While rice cooks, combine 1 tbl sherry, 1 tbl soy sauce, sugar and beef in a bowl. In a second bowl stir together1 tbl sherry, 1 tbl soy sauce, broth, cornstarch, hoisin, and red pepper.
3. heat 1 tbl oil in  a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add beef mixture; saute 3 minutes or until browned. remove beef from pan. Add remaining 1 tbl of oil to pan. Add ginger and garlic, cook 30 seconds, stirring constantly. Add broccoli and 1/4 cup water; cook 1 minute. Add onions; cook 1 minute, stirring constantly. Add broth mixture and beef mixture; cook 2 minutes or until beef is thoroughly heated and sauce is slightly thick.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Starting from Scratch

During my "time off" from working I promised myself to take advantage of this opportunity to do all the things I complained I didn't have time to do while I was a working mom. Creating meal plans, more organized grocery shopping and trying new recipes, cooking more healthy meals from scratch were at the top of the long list.
I put myself down for quite a while because I didn't have what I would describe as an organized household. I worked most weekends so there was very little time for pet projects. Other issues that seemed to be priority kept popping up.   I knew we could save money and time if I could just get us organized. We ate out too often and shopped at convenience stores, paying a heavy price for those conveniences. When we did try to buy fresh foods our lack of planning often caused the food to go bad before we had a chance to cook with it. Oh my Grandmother must have been nagging in her grave. We thought these quick processed foods made our lives easier but we soon discovered they did not make our lives happier. We gained weight, lacked energy, rushed through meals and had wasted more money then we realized.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Just Write Damn-it

I admit it, I ran. Just a touch of failure, or what I saw as failure and I ran away from the blog. Many things could have triggered my dash to the back door. A friend complimented what I wrote - "Oh God someone is actually reading this! What if my next post sucks?" Another friend who writes seemed to so effortlessly - "I'll never be as good as her, so why try?"  After weeks of thinking through the purpose or identity of my blog I felt lost on a path full of bill boards and street signs. There seemed so much to say that I didn't know what to say first. Should the posts be published in a certain order? Will my writing seemed confused? Will my post be useful to others?