Friday, October 28, 2011

Read all about it!

I need to dedicate more time to reading since I have at least 5 or 6 topics I want to learn more about . . . and quick. So much going on right now it is difficult to split myself in so many directions and feel I am dedicating proper time and attention to any one subject or project.
  • A new part-time job that hasn't been so part-time. Lots of hours.
  • A seriously long list of home management and improvement projects
  • Potential to start a consulting business assisting new small businesses with their marketing and other communications needs.
  • A child who started preschool and returned to dance classes thanks to the part-time job.
  • Looking for ways to foster her drive to learn to read without making her nuts.
  • Trying to lower my husband's stress level which has been at peak for the last few years due to a constantly changing work environment.
  • Squeezing in time to lower my own stress level while building self esteem through exercise.
  • Oh and then there is the search for delicious yet healthy recipes the whole family will enjoy. 
The list just keeps building. A woman's job is never done.

You can see by the list of books I carry with me (to the left) that my interests range widely between new marketing concepts and survival plans in the event of a zombie apocalypse. I also have a ton of blogs posts to catch up on. Not my own. I've given up on writing weekly, let alone daily. There are a few other blogs I enjoy and would like to read more often. Then there are the online articles; endless. No wonder I wear glasses now.

There is no way around it. I need to get off the computer and stay off for longer periods of time. I have improved. When I do log on my visits are shorter. Well. Most of the time.
I need to retrain my multitasking mind to calm itself and focus on one task at a time instead of five. Two tasks at a time would be groundbreaking really. What ever project I am currently working on and my daughter's latest request for snacks or Olivia cartoons.

My first step will be to not log on first thing in the morning. I currently log on before I shower or have breakfast. Just that one change could be instrumental to taking back the time lost in the Internet haze and increasing my productivity. What articles on time management I have been able to read often say to attempt to adjust one thing at a time if you want to increase your chance of successfully changing a bad habit.
So starting tonight I will write on the message board in our kitchen (located at the top of the stairs leading down to our computer) two things I want to accomplish in the morning before logging on. Each morning I will stop and read this list and I will not move again until I am resolved to complete one of the two items.
Will check back in a few days and let you know how I am doing.

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