Sunday, September 16, 2012

Choosing My Battles

This week is all about trying hard to get back into the swing of working out 5-6 days a week. The new school schedule, volunteering for the PTO and getting Erin to her enrichment classes have really put a wrench into the works. Not to mention other personal events and projects that weigh on my mind every day.
Still the best way to prepare myself to handle any challenge that comes my way (physical, emotional or otherwise) is to continue to improve my health. I need to find new motivation.

The weight loss contest after-glow is waining. The competitive spirit driving me on during the contest is now gone. So is the shame and guilt I feared from a poor show on weigh-in day. Also great motivators. Workouts have been minimal and my appetite is raging. Wouldn't mind as much if I was only eating larger portions of healthy foods. But the latest trip to Panda Express has left me feeling guilt ridden and run down. If there was only a way to remind myself how lousy I feel after eating a fattening meal before I eat it.
Last week my weight did a scary 7 pound up swing out of no where. Thankfully, that number went back down 5 pounds again but still . . . really pissed me off.

Became my bitch March 2012
Having an antagonist really helped keep me motivated during the contest. Some one or some thing to act as a competitor; an enemy to wage war against. n past posts you will read I had both a man and a machine to battle. (See: At Least I Beat Larry) Late last fall my personal goal was to beat a specific treadmill in the fitness center. Classic battle of woman vs. machine. After months of beating me up I was going make the machine my bitch. Before each work out I would step up confidently and say (in my head thank God) "Bring it ON!" In my opinion you must make it personal. I don't care if your enemy is an inanimate object. Important goals are personal. Make it personal.

Became my bitch May 2012
Next came the elliptical. Bring it ON! First time I tried that machine I hardly lasted three minutes. Now I am upping the tension levels, using faster paced music and jumping back and forth from the treadmill to the elliptical and back again to keep my heart rate up. I am the victor on this battle field.
I need the renewed motivation that comes with a new enemy.

Time to move the battle outside.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Back to School

Back to School time!
In the tradition of going back to school I think a little review of my summer vacation is in order. Would also help me catch up. Have blogged very little during the summer. Was not my original intention. It's just how it goes sometimes when you are trying to stay in the moment. Life is full of change and of course mine would be no exception. In the fall Erin would begin her first year of all day school and I would need to make some choices with my career. But until then we had a full summer planned. The focus was on quality time with my girl and finding opportunity for all three of us to enjoy ourselves in between home improvement projects.
Soccer, gymanstics and swim lessons. Sun, fun, fireworks and birthdays!The annual vacation with my parents, sister and her kids to a lake house in Delton, MI. All the while trying to maintain my new healthy habits and therefore, hopefully, my weight loss. The summer heat was just awful to the point of being dangerous so we may not have done everything we wanted to but we still had fun.

Despite knowing I ate out too much and worked out too little (miracles never cease) I kept off most of the weight lost int the spring. Gained back about 3 pounds. I'll take it! Though this success concerns me. Knowing myself as I do I'm guessing I will put fitness lower down on my list of priorities because I seem to do be doing "just fine." Just fine isn't good enough. I have plans. I have goals.
I have goals? There are all sorts of projects swimming around my head, concerning my daughter's education, home improvement projects, career choices, my own health, the family budget, that stack of recipes I want to try; but are those thoughts really organized in a cohesive plan?  Do I have any chance of succeeding without a plan?
Time to reevaluate.
My friend Bryan recently took the leap and made his dream to be a chef a reality. All started with a cupcake folks. I'm sure you will be hearing more about him soon. He credits part of his decision to make that leap to an old friend of his, Warren Peterson, who having learned from his own equally brilliant successes and failures choose to share what he has learned with others. I have subscribed to his online, go at your own pace, Successful Goals course. Appears it is Back to school time for me as well.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

At least I beat Larry!

I'm a little ashamed it has been so long since I've written. I was taking a little time off from thinking about my weight every flipping second of the day since the weight loss contest I was participating in had ended. When it was discovered by my husband that I had been weighing myself 5-6 times a day, and he called me on it, I knew I needed to back off a bit.
So how did the contest end? Well pretty damn well. I didn't place first but I placed third for the month and overall. Honestly I couldn't have lost any more pounds than I did that final month without purging daily so I am very proud with my final numbers. No pills, no crash diets, just hard work.
I lost 30 pounds!! And it shows! Best of all, I beat Larry, the biggest bs-ing, trash talking guy in the contest. He would tell me all he was eating three days before final weigh-in was tuna and prune juice! Since the contest we have become friends. I believe he felt being the nemesis for the rest of us was the best way he could motivate us all to work harder. He was right. When contest results came out how we placed wasn't nearly as important as whether or not we beat Larry!

Now the next goals for May sounded simple but really were harder than you might imagine.
1) Maintain the weight loss. I didn't have to lose more in May. Just maintain.
2) Do not go crazy on fatty fast foods or large portions just because I no longer had to worry about the shame of a bad weigh-in.
3) Continue a steady workout schedule. Maybe not 7 days a week but at least 4-5. Preferably 5.
My Asics Lady GT 2170
Well I have to say I didn't do as well as I wanted but the result was still the same.
I did maintain my weight loss. Yes!! I am certain the only way that happened was due to continuing to work out at least 5 days a week. Certainly wasn't because I stayed away from fast food. Others may give me a temporary pass on this, and I appreciate that, but if I feel guilty than it is highly likely I did eat out too often and/or often went too big on the portions. I'm sure people would allow a certain amount of celebrating after accomplishing a weight loss goal but I was hoping that my new body with a new attitude would not seek food as a reward. I already had another reward that I hoped would satisfy. New running shoes!! I love my new shoes. They are so clean and bouncy. Look cool too.
I think the tough part of reminding myself to control my food this month has been the lack of properly fitting clothes. I am swimming in everything I own! Not a bad problem to have I know. But if you are trying to keep your appetite in control having tons of room in your clothes does NOT help. You don't feel full or uncomfortable. And you certainly don't get to see your new figure because your current wardrobe doesn't show it off.
I have a long way to go before I have lost all the weight I want to lose. So staying focused on short and long range goals and finding motivation every damn day has become more important now than ever.
So I'm off for a mind clearing walk/jog around the neighborhood to plan out the next move.
As always,
Be excellent to each other.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Plus Size Sports Bras

Good Link for a simple article on what to look for in a plus size sports bra.
Friends have suggested trying the Champion brand. I have also found a few choices on
Remember to purchase a sports bra for comfort and function, not fashion.
Poor support can truly cause damage that won't every fully repair.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Inner Allies

Say what you want about the TV show GLEE but the haters have to admit the cast can really belt out a good tune. Their mash-ups are particularly genious. This season the ladies combined two Adele songs; Rumor Has It and Someone Like You, into one soulful, vengeful, I'll show you! mover of a song perfect for the your cardio. This song speaks to so many on so many levels. Everyone at one time or another has been set aside for a new shiny toy, made to feel unappreciated, put down or underestimated. Either by someone else or maybe by yourself. Crank this tune during your work out with your new mantra of, "Watch this 'cause you ain't seen nothin' yet!"
Here is the link for the video:

My personal favorite motivational phrase- as I approach my preferred treadmill among the line of 10 at the fitness center - "I'm going to own you bitch."  Yes, over the past 3 months of working out 6 days a week I have developed a love/hate relationship with one particular treadmill. And I'm not the only one. Recently over heard another woman in the locker room saying she hoped no one would be on her elliptical. Damn straight! You know what, some days to get through it you have got to make it personal. Even if your vendetta is against a machine. Whatever it takes I say. Whatever it takes to make you stand up and fight for yourself. Getting in shape, losing weight is just that serious and just that personal for many people. So much of the fight is mental. A total head game.
In the beginning it is you against yourself. Your mind versus your body. And hell are they pissed off at each other! You mind wants a higher functioning body and is so angry at your body for failing to perform. Your body wants to function better but is ticked off your mind keeps convincing you that Little Debbie snack cakes are what you really need to help you feel better. Or that you are being selfish and have a long list of other priorities besides your health that are more important. Isn't it selfish to want just an hour to yourself each day to work out, destress, gain knowledge?
Um, NO. It's not.
Choose your battle field and let the fight begin. Your battle field can be a fitness center, your bicycle at home, the space in front of your TV were you participate in Pilates video, the park you walk in . . . any place that works for you. 
In the beginning, trying to make exercise a habit instead of a once a year guilt trip is very much a battle between you and yourself. Do not give up. Keep fighting the battle. Again and again. Some days your mind will lose because your body is convinced it is too tired. Some days your body will lose because your mind is convinced it is hungry and chooses a fattening comfort food and lots of it. But if you keep fighting a change begins to occur. Subtle at first but it will happen if you do not give up on yourself. Your body and mind will soon discover that when one wins by making a healthy choice they both win. Healthier food choices will give the body more energy to move. Exercising the body will keep the mind sharper and more aware of making the right choices about nutrition. And this is only one small example of the mind/body connection but there are many, many more as you will discover. A tipping point is reached where the body and mind discover if they team up they could win the war! When they become allies they are unstoppable. You are unstoppable.

But of course, it is still motivating to have a common foe for your body and mind to defeat on your chosen battle field. And that, my friends, was the moment I was able to confidently walk up to my treadmill and say, "I'm going to own you bitch."

As always,
Be excellent to each other,

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Valid Driver's License

For years and years the weight on my driver's license has been a bold faced lie. We all do it. There is a point where updating that number when your license is renewed just isn't necessary. Okay, says here you have blue eyes, blonde hair and you weigh . . . oh you're fat. Got it. Another 20-30 pounds won't matter. And really who needs their shame stamped on a card they have to carry around with them every where they go? So when the pleasant DMV staffer asks if my information is still correct I say, "Sure." I think to myself, Close enough for government work, as we like to joke in the biz.
Occurs to me today that I finally have a valid drivers license. Weigh in for the month of March went well enough. I didn't lose as much as the month before despite literally trying to work my ass off. But I still lost around 6 pounds (20 pounds total). For those of you keeping score I placed third for the month, in fourth place over all. On one hand I am frustrated because I really did work very hard and tried to watch what I ate. Frankly, March was a hungry month for me. Worked hard, ate little and still didn't lose as much as I would have liked. Certain I plateaued which can really screw up your progress. But on the other hand I did still lose 6 pounds in one month - good number. May be frustrated but didn't give up the fight. Proud of that. On weigh-in day I met another milestone and realized something even better. The weight on my driver's license is now valid! In fact, currently weighing a full pound less than the 240 printed on my current license I think I should go in there and demand an updated card. Sure we deny any change when the number goes up but God bless it when the number goes down I want credit!
Only one more month left in the contest. Time to get ready to work out!

Be excellent to each other.

Friday, March 30, 2012

The Little Victories Along The Way

Feeling good about my choice to slowly build up to longer and more intense workouts.
Today I jogged twice for the length of a full song. My goal?  Just make it to the end of the song, alive. I have jogged a bit here and there but not for very long and not without frustration. It is so hard for me to not be able to run after a youth and young adulthood of being so very fast. I once could sprint like the wind. But that was many years ago. A lifetime ago.
Today I felt a glimmer of my youth returning. When I jogged I noticed my lungs were not failing me, it was my aching shins that tired first. A small success for some but a huge victory for me.  My cardiovascular fitness was improving! My legs are still moving a good amount of weight. The impact is hard on them. But still, the improvement I am seeing from only a few weeks ago is so encouraging. Stepping off the treadmill I can't help but smile to myself. No one else in the room knows why but I do. So I will keep working on it. Adding a bit more time and intensity each week. Have to remember this is a marathon, not a sprint. And this goal is worth working for.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Frustration the only thing Not Plateauing

Trying to work through my frustration. The number on the scale does not seem to be moving despite my working out, hard, every day. Most days I work out over an hour. I'm in the cardio zone for at least 50 minutes. Calories burned as calculated by my heart rate monitor lies between 550 and 750 per workout. My personal best has been 925 calories in one session! Lately though that number seems to be going down. Odd.
So why am I not dropping weight? Have I plateaued?
Keeping up this intensity for over two months has been hard but I'm doing it. I rarely over eat though trying hard not to get obsessive about it. Would suck to come out of this with an eating disorder.
What blows me away is how quickly your body responds so exercise. Every day increasing my heart rate to a fat burning cardio zone is becoming harder and harder.  Sometimes I will work a half hour on the treadmill, left weights for 15 minutes or so and then jump back on the treadmill again. Have even begun jogging for a full song once or twice while on the treadmill in hopes of upping my game here. I'm sweating like crazy and working hard. I'm worried if I push much harder I'm going to get hurt. Pretty sure my knee has been trying to hint at that possibility. So what is it going to take to move that number on the scale?

Researching the possible problems I am pretty sure I've reached a plateau. Here is a list of possible causes and ways to get passed them. A few comments from myself in italics.
1)Lowering your calories too much thus sending your body into a panic to keep a balance and reduce your metabolic rate. Maybe you are eating too little. Keeping your calorie intake just below maintenance levels is a good way to go.  I don't think this is the cause of my problem. I have always had a good appetite. But it's a good point to remember since we are taught to restrict our diets when trying to lose weight. So easy to take that too far. 
2) Lack of proper nutrition. Healthy muscle burns fat. Poor nutrition weakens your muscles, those lovely fat burning machines. Help keep your body function well by feeding your body with the best fuel (nutritious food) and maybe also a multivitamin. Not sure this is my problem either. My body has always had a lot of muscle but I will take this one seriously. I am pushing nutritious foods like never before but maybe I am still missing something. A multivitamin would cover pretty much anything and is a simple solution. 
3)Weight loss could be the culprit.  Sure that is the plan, to lose weight but the more you lose the less calories you burn moving your body. An exercise program that includes weight training can increase lean body mass, build those fat burning muscles, and help you continue burning calories. This one ticked me off but it makes sense. Ugh. Weight training is already part of my routine but if it is not part of yours I highly suggest adding it. 
4)The Adaption Phase ends. Ah come on now I just got started, right? How can this be happening already. We burn a lot of calories in the beginning of a program not only from the exercise itself but also from our body changing to adjust to the new workload and our muscles rebuilding themselves. When our bodies have adapted the calorie burn slows down. It is suggested that we keep our bodies guessing by constantly changing the intensity, duration and type of exercise. Hmmmm. I was switching it up more often last month but have this month. Maybe continuing the attempts to jog while switching machines more often will help. Ugh. 
5)Exercise Efficiency. Again I want to growl but as an ex-athlete I get it. The better we get at our exercise of choice the more efficient our bodies become at doing it. Therefore we burn less calories in the attempt.   In other words, trying something new is important to fending of that frustrating plateau.  Good news is you now have motivation to try new activities and reap the benefit of sucking at them for a while! Bonus!
6)Over Training Now this could be something. I have been pushing pretty hard the last 6 weeks. Working out every single day for the last 2 weeks. Over training becomes a problem because your body wants to hold onto those fat stores and keep you in balance at your current weight. Thanks a lot, huh? So just as when you seriously decrease your calorie intake, your body tries to retain balance by compensating for those hard workouts by burning less calories throughout the rest of the day.
Take a break. Instead of working out 7 days a week take a day off and/or lighten up a couple days a week. Trade a heavy workout day with a less strenuous activity. I plan to make sure I take off one day a week and also once a week switch my normal workout for something different. Maybe Pilates.
7)Enhanced Physical Condition You're in better shape now so your body needs fewer calories to operate during a workout and while you are at rest. Which of course is our ultimate goal but when you know you still have weight to lose this can be pretty frustrating. First of all, feel good that you are moving in the right direction and getting in shape. To help break through the plateau try the same strategy as fighting plateau cause number 5, Exercise Efficiency. Switch it up and try something new to surprise your body into burning fat again.
I plan to try a three pronged attack in hopes of busting through this plateau:
  1. Take a multivitamin to assure my body is fueled with all the nutrients it needs.
  2. Avoid over training by easing back on the exercise by taking one day off a week. 
  3. Keep my body guessing with variety by using other cardio equipment besides the treadmill and trying new activities outside of the fitness center. Maybe take a Zumba or Pilaties class. 
Will let you know how it goes. I have another weigh-in next week. I know I should be proud of my hard work either way but since I am in the middle of a contest focused on pounds lost it is very difficult not to focus on that number. Takes effort but I remind myself often; weight loss is about much more than the numbers.  So take my own suggestion and believe those compliments you are getting from friends and family. They give you strength. Saw my Dad over the weekend. Today he sent me an e-mail saying that I looked 10 years younger. Ah, thanks Dad!

Be excellent to each other,

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Fitness Fashion for the Plus Size Gal

Five to ten years ago finding functional workout clothes in plus sizes was near impossible. What you could find was far from fashionable. Cotton draw string shorts with pockets that accentuated your hips and puffed up around your butt and belly. Thanks! I'll go work out once I'm done crying in my bowl of barbecue potato chips. Your color choices were black and black  maybe grey. Shopping for sports bras, ha!  If you are over a bra size 38 you can pretty much forget it. 
Incredibly unfair since we have been told so often and in so many painful ways that we should be lose weight. You have such a pretty smile if only you would lose a few pounds . . . and so on.  Walking into a fitness center for the first time is daunting enough without feeling that you look like you don't belong.  Why wouldn't a clothing line fight for the plus size customer. Whomever did finally get into the plus size fitness clothing was going to make a mint cornering the market! Finally in the last few years we are seeing more and more options. Options of the same fashion as our slimmer sisters but tailored for us. We might not be able to find these clothes easily in stores on any given day but the internet and free/fast shipping has made finding fitness clothes in fashion far easier. 

Found at
Today we are still not able to easily find inexpensive fitness clothing, or activewear, in stores such as Walmart or Target. And really, if we did  they would probably be cheaply made and fall apart quickly. 
The Avenue has a decent selection, and quality clothing at reasonable prices (many choices under $30). Their activewear sells out fast so check regularly. So far I have purchased all my work out clothing from Avenue. Lane Bryant is often more expensive and honestly does not offer a lot of options though it seems they have just started to partner with Reebok. So more options are coming but the price is still high. $50 for a pair of fitness capris. Really, $50? This is the home of the $100 maxi dress so we can't be surprised. Love the fashion sense of Lane Bryant but not the prices. At least you are likely to find quality at Lane Bryant so if you like what you see it's a trade off. When you go to the Lane Bryant web site you will see several shops across the top ribbon to choose from. Some have far less expensive options like Catherine's and Fashion Bug so it's worth a peek.
A great resource for all things plus size is a website called This site allows you to shop many stores at one time on the same screen saving you a lot of time. If I find any great deals I will definitely post them here. 
Working on a post about what to look for in a good pair of shoes. Honestly shoes will make all the difference in the world so they are probably the most important gear and worth the investment in a decent pair. More on that soon. 
Time to gear up and get moving!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Weigh-In Results - 3 out of 4 Aint Bad.

I expected very little change by the time of the first weigh-in on February 1. The weight loss challenge had begun Jan. 2, just after the holidays so everyone had a slow start. We had begun a kitchen project in our house that caused my allergies and asthma to go into overdrive. Feeling miserable, I just wasn't capable of the exertion needed to workout. Not wanting to be a big slacker I got started by setting other goals for making positive changes in my nutrition and adjusting my schedule to open up more time. I set goals that would assist me in reaching my ultimate goal other than working out.
 1) Try out at least 2 new light recipes during the month of January.
 2) Watch closely not only what I ate but also the portion size.
I achieved both goals helping be feel I was at least doing something to further the cause.
I was finally able to exercise the last two weeks of January. I started moderately. The last thing you want to do is go hog wild with a fitness program on the first day if you haven't worked out in a long time. You don't want to get hurt or so sore you dread returning. I was working out a little before the contest began but only once or twice a week. I have a habit of getting hurt when I first start out so this time I was careful. The contest would be going for four months so just like any effort to lose weight think of it as a marathon not a sprint. Pace yourself, get your bearings and then push yourself a little more when you are certain of what your body can handle.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I had to ask . . .

In the battle of the bulge two powerful weapons are motivation and information.  
In an effort to be aware of the amount of calories I was eating every day I decided to check on the nutrition facts of my favorite fast foods.
I was not too surprised by the total calories in my favorite McDonald's burger, the Angus Bacon/Cheese Burger. 800 calories. Yow!  800 calories! And that is without the fries (380) or drink. Luckily I rarely get this meal since I started the weight loss challenge at work but I admit I use to get it all the time when my daughter and I went to the playground at Donald's (as she would call it). Now I order the grilled chicken sandwich with a small fries. I still get the taste without so many calories. 

I liked Panda Express because they put a lot of vegetables in their dishes. Not a veggie fan until I found out that I could eat anything if it came with a spicy sauce.  My usual two entree plate included Kung Pao Chicken and Beijing Beef.  Kung Pao Chicken isn't bad. Only 240 calories. But then the Beijing Beef? 690! Oh and don't forget the rice. Basic white rice . . . 380. It's white rice. Hardly anything to it, so how can it be 380 calories? But it is. I've decided to stay away from Panda Express as long as possible but when I do go I still get my hot and spicy Kung Pao, skip the beef and ask for half the rice. Realized the meal was still filling. Some sacrifice there but really not so awful.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Getting Started - Setting Goals

The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going.
Ralph Waldo Emereson

Setting personal goals are very important when trying to achieve anything of importance and weight loss is no exception.  The best goals are simple and measurable. Simple so they are easy to remember, understand and share. Stick to the heart of the matter. Measureable so you have a target to aim your effort towards and you will know when you've hit the bulls-eye. Setting a reasonably challenging Completion Date when appropriate can be motivating.  A completion date puts a little pressure on you to start working towards achieving your goal right away. If you are an All Star procrastinator like myself you will want to set completion dates.

Personal goals are just that; personal. Do not just copy your work out partner's goals or use what the latest issue of Shape magazine suggests your goals should be. Your body, fitness level, your dietary needs and your mental/emotional state are all unique so your goals should be too. 

Long and Short Term Goals
Set an ultimate long term weight loss goal. Mine is to lose 50 pounds by the end of the year. Simple, measurable and has a completion date.  I also would like to get out of plus sizes about the same time. What your goal is is totally up to you. Once you are set on your goal write it down. I also suggest setting several short term goals. Having a long term weight loss goal in the back of your head is fine but not really the most motivating thing to focus on. That big long term goal is not what will get you moving today. Has it so far? Probably not. 

Saturday, March 10, 2012


My workouts are strongly motivated by music.
At those moments when I have hit the wall and tell myself have no more energy to give, a great song saves the day. A perfect song with the right tempo can push me through that wall or over that hill driving me further than I have gone before.
I started the year with this song.
Ian Axel's This Is The New Year
I found a good link to this song on his Facebook page.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Our Journey Takes a Change of Direction

Sharing with an old friend (I hadn't seen in 20 years but had reconnected with 2 years ago) has been a wealth of clues to my own behaviors. Behaviors I wanted to change. Not long ago, during a chat about something completely unrelated a thought crossed my mind . . . I wasn't treating myself very well. The source of this notion being unclear did not make the revelation any less shocking. I'm pissed off . . . at myself! Having the habit of typing faster than I can think I asked my dear friend if she ever sensed that she was angry at herself. Regretting she would think I was bats her answer filled me with relief. She answered quickly with a bond strengthening "Yes! What is up with that?" Again, discovering I was not alone.

Out of sight but never out of mind. Thoughts of my neglected blog nag at me almost daily. Probably due to good old Catholic guilt. So why do I have a difficult time sitting down to put my thoughts to paper? Is it a crisis of confidence or maybe the difficulty lies in timing? Desire and inspiration rarely come when I have time to take advantage. Or just maybe . . .  the one subject that touches me most deeply and is intertwined throughout every aspect of my life is also the one subject I avoid. On the surface, I have good humor about this issue. Confidence even. But down deep I know my personality, family life, career and self worth have all been effected strongly by this one thing. This one number. My weight. The bitch.

And folks, accepting my body as it is and trying to love myself as I am . . . not really working. As long as cameras and mirrors exist so will the undeniable truth. I am fat and unhappy and have no one to blame but myself. Enough of feeling depressed and short tempered. Enough!
Some of you will get it, some of you will not. We all have our own hangups.  The last two years have been full of introspection, sharing and revelation.  A journey of discovery during which I have finally arrived to a simple conclusion. After 15 years of the same excuses it is time to lose the weight. I knew what to do. Always did.

An opportunity to make a change came about at the beginning of this year in the form of a 4 month long weight loss challenge at work (currently working part time at a park district). The contest would be competitive and include cash prizes at the end of each month.  I would have all the support I could hope for at home and at work. Being very competitive (it's in my genes, can't be helped) the desire to not only win but destroy my competitors would be a strong motivator. I could not deny I had the time and the location was perfect. Sincerely, I was out of excuses since the fitness center was only five feet from my office making avoidance impossible. Well, near impossible.
I was ready.

The contest would also be public. Everyone would know I was participating and ask often how I was progressing. Very hard to avoid a goal everyone keeps reminding you about. Ugh. I paid my money to join the challenge. Damn it here we go. No turning back now. At first the attention was a bit unwelcome but the more I shared, the stronger the camaraderie, the stronger my resolve became. So many questions and tips to share. Everyone wanted to know what I was doing to lose weight. What were my goals. What was working and what was not. What was I eating. Was I eating? Where did I find plus size work out clothes and so on. The road I was no on, was hardly the road less traveled. So much information to share. If only I had a blog to . . . . Hey!

I will adjust the direction of my blog. Focusing on what has and has not worked for me in the areas of goal setting and achieving, good nutrition, fitness, building healthy habits and motivation.  I of course will also share my progress as I work on my own goals in weight loss and more. As always you are welcome to share your own experiences as well.

To begin I will share this: At the start of the contest on January 2, 2012  I was 5 foot 7 inches and weighed 260 pounds.

Be excellent to each other,
