Thursday, April 5, 2012

Valid Driver's License

For years and years the weight on my driver's license has been a bold faced lie. We all do it. There is a point where updating that number when your license is renewed just isn't necessary. Okay, says here you have blue eyes, blonde hair and you weigh . . . oh you're fat. Got it. Another 20-30 pounds won't matter. And really who needs their shame stamped on a card they have to carry around with them every where they go? So when the pleasant DMV staffer asks if my information is still correct I say, "Sure." I think to myself, Close enough for government work, as we like to joke in the biz.
Occurs to me today that I finally have a valid drivers license. Weigh in for the month of March went well enough. I didn't lose as much as the month before despite literally trying to work my ass off. But I still lost around 6 pounds (20 pounds total). For those of you keeping score I placed third for the month, in fourth place over all. On one hand I am frustrated because I really did work very hard and tried to watch what I ate. Frankly, March was a hungry month for me. Worked hard, ate little and still didn't lose as much as I would have liked. Certain I plateaued which can really screw up your progress. But on the other hand I did still lose 6 pounds in one month - good number. May be frustrated but didn't give up the fight. Proud of that. On weigh-in day I met another milestone and realized something even better. The weight on my driver's license is now valid! In fact, currently weighing a full pound less than the 240 printed on my current license I think I should go in there and demand an updated card. Sure we deny any change when the number goes up but God bless it when the number goes down I want credit!
Only one more month left in the contest. Time to get ready to work out!

Be excellent to each other.

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