Thursday, September 13, 2012

Back to School

Back to School time!
In the tradition of going back to school I think a little review of my summer vacation is in order. Would also help me catch up. Have blogged very little during the summer. Was not my original intention. It's just how it goes sometimes when you are trying to stay in the moment. Life is full of change and of course mine would be no exception. In the fall Erin would begin her first year of all day school and I would need to make some choices with my career. But until then we had a full summer planned. The focus was on quality time with my girl and finding opportunity for all three of us to enjoy ourselves in between home improvement projects.
Soccer, gymanstics and swim lessons. Sun, fun, fireworks and birthdays!The annual vacation with my parents, sister and her kids to a lake house in Delton, MI. All the while trying to maintain my new healthy habits and therefore, hopefully, my weight loss. The summer heat was just awful to the point of being dangerous so we may not have done everything we wanted to but we still had fun.

Despite knowing I ate out too much and worked out too little (miracles never cease) I kept off most of the weight lost int the spring. Gained back about 3 pounds. I'll take it! Though this success concerns me. Knowing myself as I do I'm guessing I will put fitness lower down on my list of priorities because I seem to do be doing "just fine." Just fine isn't good enough. I have plans. I have goals.
I have goals? There are all sorts of projects swimming around my head, concerning my daughter's education, home improvement projects, career choices, my own health, the family budget, that stack of recipes I want to try; but are those thoughts really organized in a cohesive plan?  Do I have any chance of succeeding without a plan?
Time to reevaluate.
My friend Bryan recently took the leap and made his dream to be a chef a reality. All started with a cupcake folks. I'm sure you will be hearing more about him soon. He credits part of his decision to make that leap to an old friend of his, Warren Peterson, who having learned from his own equally brilliant successes and failures choose to share what he has learned with others. I have subscribed to his online, go at your own pace, Successful Goals course. Appears it is Back to school time for me as well.

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