Saturday, March 17, 2012

Weigh-In Results - 3 out of 4 Aint Bad.

I expected very little change by the time of the first weigh-in on February 1. The weight loss challenge had begun Jan. 2, just after the holidays so everyone had a slow start. We had begun a kitchen project in our house that caused my allergies and asthma to go into overdrive. Feeling miserable, I just wasn't capable of the exertion needed to workout. Not wanting to be a big slacker I got started by setting other goals for making positive changes in my nutrition and adjusting my schedule to open up more time. I set goals that would assist me in reaching my ultimate goal other than working out.
 1) Try out at least 2 new light recipes during the month of January.
 2) Watch closely not only what I ate but also the portion size.
I achieved both goals helping be feel I was at least doing something to further the cause.
I was finally able to exercise the last two weeks of January. I started moderately. The last thing you want to do is go hog wild with a fitness program on the first day if you haven't worked out in a long time. You don't want to get hurt or so sore you dread returning. I was working out a little before the contest began but only once or twice a week. I have a habit of getting hurt when I first start out so this time I was careful. The contest would be going for four months so just like any effort to lose weight think of it as a marathon not a sprint. Pace yourself, get your bearings and then push yourself a little more when you are certain of what your body can handle.

At the official weigh-in, to my shock, I lost almost 5 pounds (4.6 or 1.77% of my body weight.) The variety of goals I set for myself all helped make the difference. That success gave me the drive to attack the next month of the contest.
My supervisor challenged me. She said if I could lose almost 5 pounds despite feeling I only really worked hard for two weeks than she was certain I could lose 10 in February. In a past post I wrote that I took her challenge in stride. Wanting to set my own goals but keeping in mind her confidence in my ability to work hard and succeed. That's just what I did. Worked hard, adding an additional work out each week until I logged 6 work outs the last week before the March first weigh-in. Not only was I working out more often but also longer. Nutrition was difficult. Working out so often increased my appetite at first but then leveled out thank God! Maybe it was the attitude that I was "in training" that adjusted my attitude about food. Eating smarter slowly became easier because I was constantly aware of my goals and my effort to get healthy. Less chance of me numbly nibbling away at a full bag of potato chips until emptied. Awareness made denial far more difficult to get away with.
As I wrote in my March 12th post about getting started I had three goals and one challenge for the month of February.
I achieved 3 out of 4. 
Not bad at all. I did work out 5 times the first week. By the last week of the month I worked out 6 days in a row. Honestly I was surprised how easy it was to fit in the workouts once I got into a rhythm. Not only was I working out regularly but the duration of the cardio portion grew longer and longer. Avoiding fast food completely was difficult but I did it. Having that one acceptable favorite (Chipotle) that offered many delicious healthy options made all the difference. All the convenience of getting a quick bite to eat without all the fat. I also looked into the actual calorie count of several of my favorite meals. What an eye opener!
Weight-in Day was nerve racking. Everyone at work had seen me workout practically every day and commented that they could see a difference in me already. But I know the proof would be in the numbers.  So if I hadn't lost pounds by the day weigh-in then would they think I went home and binged after every workout? Would my supervisor be disappointed in me? Would I feel like a complete loser?
Uuummm Nope!! Hard work paid off.
Second Weight-In I lost 9.6 lbs or 3.69% of my body weight (total over 2 months 5.40%). Best of all my weight had dropped below 250 lbs. I had reached goal 1, 2 and 3! Yes, the contest judge and I did a little dance of joy went I got off the scale. I did not lose a full 10 pounds but 9.6 is pretty damn close. I'll take it!! You better believe I was walking on clouds all day.
The next day was frosting on the cake. Checked my mailbox at work and found an envelope marked "1st Place." I had won the cash prize for first place that month. YES!!!!!!  All the hard work paid off. I saw results in the mirror, I'm more comfortable in my clothes and best off all feel proud of myself for what I accomplished.
The next challenge . . . staying motivated for two more months! Whew!
The weather is beautiful out today. Get up and get moving!



Anonymous said...

GREAT JOB BARB! Keep going! Very good work! You should be proud my friend!!!!

Barbara Lund said...

Thank you! I really did work hard so the results were gratifying.