Saturday, April 21, 2012

Inner Allies

Say what you want about the TV show GLEE but the haters have to admit the cast can really belt out a good tune. Their mash-ups are particularly genious. This season the ladies combined two Adele songs; Rumor Has It and Someone Like You, into one soulful, vengeful, I'll show you! mover of a song perfect for the your cardio. This song speaks to so many on so many levels. Everyone at one time or another has been set aside for a new shiny toy, made to feel unappreciated, put down or underestimated. Either by someone else or maybe by yourself. Crank this tune during your work out with your new mantra of, "Watch this 'cause you ain't seen nothin' yet!"
Here is the link for the video:

My personal favorite motivational phrase- as I approach my preferred treadmill among the line of 10 at the fitness center - "I'm going to own you bitch."  Yes, over the past 3 months of working out 6 days a week I have developed a love/hate relationship with one particular treadmill. And I'm not the only one. Recently over heard another woman in the locker room saying she hoped no one would be on her elliptical. Damn straight! You know what, some days to get through it you have got to make it personal. Even if your vendetta is against a machine. Whatever it takes I say. Whatever it takes to make you stand up and fight for yourself. Getting in shape, losing weight is just that serious and just that personal for many people. So much of the fight is mental. A total head game.
In the beginning it is you against yourself. Your mind versus your body. And hell are they pissed off at each other! You mind wants a higher functioning body and is so angry at your body for failing to perform. Your body wants to function better but is ticked off your mind keeps convincing you that Little Debbie snack cakes are what you really need to help you feel better. Or that you are being selfish and have a long list of other priorities besides your health that are more important. Isn't it selfish to want just an hour to yourself each day to work out, destress, gain knowledge?
Um, NO. It's not.
Choose your battle field and let the fight begin. Your battle field can be a fitness center, your bicycle at home, the space in front of your TV were you participate in Pilates video, the park you walk in . . . any place that works for you. 
In the beginning, trying to make exercise a habit instead of a once a year guilt trip is very much a battle between you and yourself. Do not give up. Keep fighting the battle. Again and again. Some days your mind will lose because your body is convinced it is too tired. Some days your body will lose because your mind is convinced it is hungry and chooses a fattening comfort food and lots of it. But if you keep fighting a change begins to occur. Subtle at first but it will happen if you do not give up on yourself. Your body and mind will soon discover that when one wins by making a healthy choice they both win. Healthier food choices will give the body more energy to move. Exercising the body will keep the mind sharper and more aware of making the right choices about nutrition. And this is only one small example of the mind/body connection but there are many, many more as you will discover. A tipping point is reached where the body and mind discover if they team up they could win the war! When they become allies they are unstoppable. You are unstoppable.

But of course, it is still motivating to have a common foe for your body and mind to defeat on your chosen battle field. And that, my friends, was the moment I was able to confidently walk up to my treadmill and say, "I'm going to own you bitch."

As always,
Be excellent to each other,

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Valid Driver's License

For years and years the weight on my driver's license has been a bold faced lie. We all do it. There is a point where updating that number when your license is renewed just isn't necessary. Okay, says here you have blue eyes, blonde hair and you weigh . . . oh you're fat. Got it. Another 20-30 pounds won't matter. And really who needs their shame stamped on a card they have to carry around with them every where they go? So when the pleasant DMV staffer asks if my information is still correct I say, "Sure." I think to myself, Close enough for government work, as we like to joke in the biz.
Occurs to me today that I finally have a valid drivers license. Weigh in for the month of March went well enough. I didn't lose as much as the month before despite literally trying to work my ass off. But I still lost around 6 pounds (20 pounds total). For those of you keeping score I placed third for the month, in fourth place over all. On one hand I am frustrated because I really did work very hard and tried to watch what I ate. Frankly, March was a hungry month for me. Worked hard, ate little and still didn't lose as much as I would have liked. Certain I plateaued which can really screw up your progress. But on the other hand I did still lose 6 pounds in one month - good number. May be frustrated but didn't give up the fight. Proud of that. On weigh-in day I met another milestone and realized something even better. The weight on my driver's license is now valid! In fact, currently weighing a full pound less than the 240 printed on my current license I think I should go in there and demand an updated card. Sure we deny any change when the number goes up but God bless it when the number goes down I want credit!
Only one more month left in the contest. Time to get ready to work out!

Be excellent to each other.