Thursday, October 21, 2010

Andrew McCarthy

Andrew McCarthy was my first love. I apologize to the young man who may think he holds that title but I cheated on you with my Andrew on many occasions . . .
. . . in my mind.
How can you not love Andrew McCarthy? In movies which he is well known for, he could portray the tortured young love like no other actor. We should have hated him after telling Molly Ringwald he could not go to the prom with her after all. But we couldn't because the poor guy looked a complete wreck. In the end we would have taken him back too.

So I am Googling my way through travel tips on packing the perfect suitcase, surviving long flights, etc. when I see his name. Yes, it's that Andrew McCarthy.
Gratified to see what a well rounded gentleman he has become. Acting, directing and writing. He's good too, having recently won an award for his travel journalism.
I personally thoroughly enjoyed reading his articles and plan to go back and read more. Maybe pretend he is taking me by the hand and showing me the wonders of the world. *sigh*  To be serious though I took a bit more from this literary find than his clever whit. I am impressed by his desire to grow creatively as a person. Not just as an actor but as Andrew. Surely he could have rested on his acting experiences to date and remained famous, even legendary. But instead of becoming stagnant, dull, he grew, tried new things despite there being no assurances of success or fame. Read his articles and you can see he writes because that is what makes him happy, he finds it fulfilling.  I appreciate his desire to make a change, try something new, pursue his love of travel and then express himself in such a way so we may share his experiences with him. 
See Andrew, I always knew we truly were soul mates.

Want to feel melty all over like you did years ago? Follow the link below to his website. Fantastic picture rivals Rob Lowe. While you are there read some of his work. He's really very good.

1 comment:

Laura K said...

I always had a huge crush on Andrew McCarthy as well!! Kind thought he and Dan Spangler looked alike, too.